Well, it seems I'm still on the list, so I might as well post this blantant use of racism to further his stance in the polls: Sharpton Calls Dean's Agenda 'Anti-Black'
This is the most pathetic attack I've seen in a while, aside from the "rats" subliminal messages from the last election.
Howard Dean's opposition to affirmative action, his current support for the death penalty and historic support of the NRA's [National Rifle Association's] agenda amounts to an anti-black agenda that will not sell in communities of color in this country,"
Uh... right... because, you know, wanting to make affirmative action based more on poor people of all races rather than based on race itself is such a bad idea....
He said his comments were in response to a news report yesterday that Rep. Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) plans to endorse Dean, the former Vermont governor and presumed front-runner for the 2004 Democratic nomination
Ah... it all makes sense now. Jackson, a black man, is supporting a white man, and not Sharpton or Braun. 'Cause, you know, all white people are eeeeeevil KKK members out to kill all black people in some ethnic clensing frenzy.
Fucking racist bullshit. Why is this acceptable in our society? It doesn't make any sense. Doesn't he realize he's furthering BUSH in the polls by attacking his own team?! Is he really THAT stupid?!
Hmm... I don't think I'll make too much of a case about the Tawana Brawley thing, acutally... I don't know if I want to open that "kill whitey" can of worms.
::waits for the 'but white people really are evil' flame messages::
posted by
Anonymous at 6:15 PM