wPuri sermonis amator |
Politics and Pop Culture.
And occasionally informative, amusing, or bizzare non sequiturs.
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wFriday, September 19, 2003 |
Clark 'Probably' Would Have Backed War (washingtonpost.com): "Retired Gen. Wesley K. Clark said today that he 'probably' would have voted for the congressional resolution last fall authorizing war, as he charged out into the presidential campaign field with vague plans to fix the economy and the situation in Iraq.
Clark said his views on the war resemble those of Democratic Sens. Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.) and John F. Kerry (Mass.), both of whom voted for the war but now question President Bush's stewardship of the Iraqi occupation. 'That having been said, I was against the war as it emerged because there was no reason to start it when we did. We could have waited,' Clark said during a 75-minute session with four reporters." So, how do his views differ from Kerry, again? Other than Kerry has experience in Washington?
posted by
Matthew Carroll-Schmidt at 9:40 AM