Today's Maureen Dowd column contains this gem of a quote from Senate Majority Leader, Bill Frist:Now Dr. Frist is not going to let any sentiments about those cute lesbians on the new cover of Newsweek — headlined "Is Gay Marriage Next?" — stand in the way of his career. He told George Stephanopoulos that he supports a Congressional proposal for a constitutional amendment forbidding gay marriages.
"I very much feel that marriage is a sacrament," he said. "And that sacrament should extend, and can extend, to that legal entity of a union between what has traditionally in our Western values been defined as a man and a woman."
But Frist's website says that he's a Presbyterian. And the Presbyterian's only believe in two sacraments, Baptism and Communion.
So, not only is he an asshole, he also needs to brush up on his theology. This isn't as trivial as some would make it seem - Martin Luther rejected the idea of marriage as a sacrament because it was a secular development, not mandate from God necessary in order to save your soul. Now, I'm not going to be in the business of telling religious people whether or not they correctly interpret their own tradition - in fact, I'll stay out of whatever funky ceremonies people want to have. But let's just keep those nutjobs out of my secular government, mkay?
posted by
Matthew Carroll-Schmidt at 10:02 AM