Crackpot Conservatism I am happy to report that Ann Coulter has lost her mind. The evidence for this is her most recent book, "Treason," a nearly unreadable slog through every silly thing anyone on the left has ever said. Coulter conflates dissent with treason, opposition with treason, being wrong with treason, being right with treason and just about anything she doesn't like with treason. If the book were a Rorschach test, she would be institutionalized. Lost it? As in, just now? I forced myself to watch about ten minutes of her on Softball last night (I was waiting to see how Matthews would spin the Dean numbers, I swear). It was rather disgusting to see him constantly say "I disagree with her, but she's a great writer!" What the fuck? I can't read more than a paragraph of hers without vomitting. Ugh.
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Matthew Carroll-Schmidt at 11:12 AM