Team Blog
If you'll note, the description of this blog reads "Politics and Pop Culture". And so, while I usually post links to political news and commentary, there are a whole host of other things that may be of interest to myself or Weston that end up here - such as Weston posting D&D monsters, or me posting movie links (speaking of such: Daredevil comes out February 14th). I mention this because looking at my counter stats, it appears we now have a few regular readers - if you like reading this and think you might have something to contribute (to create more of a rolling discussion instead of a one-way propaganda unit), let me know, and I can give you access to add your 2 cents to the main page and contribute your own mindless link propagation.
In other news - Lou and I will be meeting at Friday's in STL tonight to have dinner, and then we're going back to his place to watch The State of The Union Address and throw things at the screen. Give one of us a call, or just show up at Fridays around 5 to join us.
And in still other news: Mank is still in friggin China.
posted by
Matthew Carroll-Schmidt at 2:28 PM