wPuri sermonis amator |
Politics and Pop Culture.
And occasionally informative, amusing, or bizzare non sequiturs.
Matt's in charge here, others can post.
wTuesday, January 21, 2003 |
Ralph Nader Calls Bush, Other Top Republicans 'Belligerent Draft Dodgers' "Day after day on television, Mr. Bush comes on and goes after [Iraqi President] Saddam Hussein," Nader said. "But have you heard him speak about health care for 50 million Americans? Have you heard him speak about hunger? About homelessness? Have you heard him speak about the criminal injustice system? Have you heard him speak about the massive child poverty? Have you heard him speak about cracking down on corporate crime that steals trillions of dollars from millions of Americans?" Nader said.
"But you've heard him speak about Saddam. For every question we put to the president about domestic needs he has one answer: attack Iraq, attack Iraq, attack Iraq. Psychologists would call this the obsessive-compulsive syndrome."
posted by
Matthew Carroll-Schmidt at 12:30 PM